
My work is centered around silence and solitude.

Initially, I created abstract compositions, using various media including etching, drawing and collage. Over the years, I integrated elongated figures who became key elements in my work.

Weathered walls often feature as the background of these figures, always leaving open gaps, inviting the viewer to look beyond their initial impression. I create these walls through different layers of paper, acrylics and oilpaint, hiding carefully chosen textmessages in between.

My palette is intentionally restrained; I want to create an atmosphere in my work, and too many bright colors would generate a language that is not useful to me.

My current paintings feature either extremely elongated, or minuscule naked figures, depicting my reflection on the human condition in its pure essence. The juxtaposition of these opposite, seemingly fragile figures within empty spaces - away from any unnecessary adornments - confirms my statement.

Marleen Pauwels